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Whole30 Egg Roll Soup Hey!!! It's been awhile! I've been sick (UC) and sick again (knock'em down, don't want to leave the house or my bed for three weeks with a nasty cold kind of sick)...but I'm back to feeling like my self again! One of the recipes that got me through being sick was this Egg Roll Soup. I almost think it's better than the old stand by of Chicken Soup! It's easy, cooks up in one pan...and is of course...Whole30! Ingredients: 1 pound of Ground Pork 1 medium sized Onion chopped 2 Carrots chopped 4 cups of Cabbage sliced thin in long pieces 2 tbsp Avocado Oil 1 tsp Sesame Oil 1 clove of Garlic crushed 1 tbsp of fresh Ginger grated 6 cups of Chicken Broth 2 tbsp Coconut Aminos 1 tsp Fish Sauce 1 Tbsp Hot Sauce (Optional) 1/4 cup of Cilantro 1 Green Onion sliced Salt & Pepper to taste Method: 1. Heat up a large soup pot to medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon of avocado oil. Cook the gro...

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